Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What the Feather?!

Hey guys!

I personally think feather extensions are so creative and expressive! I have had mine for a while I have had to take them out because of swim season. The chlorine is not too good for the poor lil' feathers :( LOL

I have a pink one, and a turquoise one! My favorite colors (at the moment)!

Getting them installed are kinda expensive... But I do my own! It's so simple! And much cheaper!

While it is much cheaper to do on your own, all in all it is going to end up costing you around $40. And that's cheap! I did my research to find the best stuff for the best prices. If you just throw your money at a big company marketing feathers a lot, you might end up paying up to $80.

If you would like a video about feather extensions or how to put them in let me know!

Love ya!

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