Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Autumn Love

I know this is weird... but I love seasons! Winter is my all time favorite and you can actually notice a difference in me when it's winter! But I am still so happy because fall is coming up!

I remember when I was little I loved Barney, and there was this one tape that I would watch over and over again, and it was during halloween, and they had this song that went something like "you can call it fall if that's what you please, but I say I like Autumn" And even though I haven't seen Barney in around 12 years.... for some reason this song always gets stuck in my head whenever I think of the word Autumn! Haha!

I don't know why but I love cold weather. I would rather snow over summer any day. And I think I am one of the 4 people in the world who think like this... LOL But just thinking about Autumn coming up makes me so happy! Think about it... leaves falling, comfortable weather (no sweat- like summer), warm clothes, corn mazes,  Halloween... To me this just sounds a million times better then icky summer :/

I also love the clothes when it gets cooler. I love wearing long sleeve shirts, scarves, boots, and all that! 

Maybe I am getting ahead of myself though, it is still August... Oh well, I still can't wait for those leaves to start falling <3

What's your favorite season? 


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