Tuesday, August 23, 2011


OMG OMG OMG! I have never ever ever been in a earthquake before and about 3 minutes ago there was one right where I live!

At first everything started shaking and I didn't know what was going on, then I looked up and saw my dresser lamp shaking like crazy! Then I though "EARTHQUAKE". I was in my bedroom which is on the top level which is the worst place to be during a earthquake. Everything was falling off of my table, desk, vanity..... Then I heard my dog whining. I picked up my computer (because I knew if I was going to save something that was it!) then I grabbed my dog and took her outside. She was shaking so I just held her in my arms.

After about... 30 seconds everything stopped. But that 30 seconds felt a lot longer then normal. All I know about earthquakes is what I have seen on the news, and they always show the terror stories. During the quake I think everyone freaks out. It's so weird because your holding still but everything around you is shaking and moving, and you can't help but jumping to the worst conclusions possible.

Turns out everything was okay (besides my now cracked cover girl palette but that doesn't matter). I put my dog (Nikki) down and turned on the TV and it turns out it was a 5.9 earthquake! Which according to online could cause "Slight damage to buildings and other structures" Which seem like not much... but when your in it. You're scared.

Stay safe!

1 comment:

  1. Uff I'm Francisca from Chile, and here we have 5,5 earthquakes every single week! On 2010 we had a 8.8 earthquake with tsunami and everything. I suggest you to stay in the room eeem at your door, not move a lot because that could be dangerous. Hahaha well I couldn't resist to talk about this jajaja I love your videos btw! :)
