Monday, August 22, 2011

Beautiful Days & Starry Nights

As I am typing this I am listing to all the nature around me. The birds, frogs, crickets... And it's beautiful weather! 

I am so relaxed right now I would just sleep out here tonight, if only the mosquitos would stop biting me :/

The picture I posted above is what I see right now from my bedroom window and it's beautiful. I think it also means it's going to be a clear day tomorrow too! Have you ever heard the saying "Red in the morning, sailor's warning. Red at night sailors delight"? It basically means that if you see red in the sky in the morning, it probably won't be too clear out... :( But if you see it at night, the next day will be beautiful! Score! Ha ha!

But today has been the most beautiful day, I regret not spending more time outside. But right now I am just so content.. breathing the fresh air, listing to my family play ball in the side yard, and hearing the beautiful sounds of nature.

If tomorrow is like this I plan on sitting outside all day and just reading, and doing stuff on my computer.

Well I am off to bed :)

Sweet Dreams,

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