Monday, August 1, 2011

Bye Bye Sonia Kashuk Eye Makeup Remover!

Tonight I used up the very last drop of my first bottle of my Sonia Kashuk eye makeup remover!
I was kinda excited and IDK why....

But I do know I love this stuff!!

I bought it when I got into my school's production of Hairspray! Knowing from the last few plays that you wear a lot of makeup I decided it was time I get a good eye makeup remover! Yes, the lotion and cotton ball trick still works- but I like this so much more! It even removes waterproof makeup with no problem!

-It's drugstore so it's not too overly priced
-Very gentle (I have sensitive skin)
-Very efficient! One swipe with a cotton ball and it's gone!
-You don't need a lot!
-Easily accessible 


I really cannot think of any! I love this stuff a lot and see myself using it for a very long time!

I would defiantly give it a try!


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