Friday, August 19, 2011

Dreamy Chocolate Truffels

"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."
 - Charles M. Schulz

Last night all I wanted was chocolate. So I decided to make homemade chocolate truffles. And Let me tell you... these babies are good! I also figured my mom would want some too so the picture above is what I brought down to her last night as kinda a surprise and she loved it!

It's super easy to make too! Thats the best part! All you need is 3 ingredients:

1. Half a box of Oreo cookies
2. Half a package of cream cheese

BTW this will make about 10 depending on the size. Also if you want you can double the recipe to make more for a party or something. But if your just making them for you/ you & your family, I would stick to the recipe above! I can't eat more then one of these at a time! So much chocolate!


1. Put the Oreo's in a bowl
TIP use a bowl much bigger then you actually need, it will help minimize the mess...

2. Put a gallon sized bag over each hand then use your hands to break the Oreos into little pieces. If you want you can just put them in a food processor, but I think it makes the pieces too fine and it tastes better with bigger chunks. 

3. Once Oreo's are mashed up put in half a package of cream cheese. Then put the bags back on your hands and mix the two together.

4. Get out a tray or plate of some sort and cover it with wax paper/ plastic wrap/ or foil so the chocolate won't stick to the tray.

5. Melt the chocolate bar in the microwave. 
(Be careful not to burn it! Chocolate is easy to burn!)

6. Using your clean hands make a little ball of the cream cheese, Oreo mix then dip it in the melted chocolate with a fork, then just place it on the tray.

Just do that until your out of the cream cheese, Oreo mix! Once you're done just put them in the fridge for a good hour!

I think they taster better after have been in the fridge for a hour, you can eat them before but then they taster super sweet and still a little warm. So I like them cold but thats just personal! :)

Good Luck!

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already."
- Dave Barry


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