Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to School!

In 6 days from now I will be starting my first day of 10th grade. Yes thats right! I will be a sophomore in High School! This is really exciting to me because it seems like not a lot of people like freshman, and I admit a lot of freshman are immature and a pain in the butt (99.9999% of that population are freshman boys)

I have big goals for this year! I can't wait! First off I really want to get a bigger role in a play, I don't really like being the lead because it's a lot of work! But I want to be more then a background dancer. It's weird but when I played Cinderella in my schools play of Cinderella, I felt really proud of myself, and thats a great feeling to have.

Also I really just want to enjoy the year! Some of my favorite parts about my freshman year were just being with my friends. I am also so excited because my best friend is moving close to the school and I can just picture us getting out of school, walking to her house, and just watching girly movies and talking anything and everything that is on our minds.

And of course I will be enjoying the year, but I will not forget about making YouTube videos! I personally cannot stand to watch my videos because I think it's boring. I am pretty sure that's how it is with a lot of people though.... Like I would hate to be Elle or Blair Fowler just because I love them! And I am sure for them watching their videos isn't fun, and what is YouTube without the Fowler sisters?!

Lastly this school year I really want to get good grades! I love new school years because it makes you feel like you have a fresh start, a clean slate! And even though it's not a fully clean slate... I am determined that this year will be good! I really want to get good grades for me :) Not my dad, my teachers, not for anybody but me :) I love feeling proud of myself because it always boosts your confidence x50000!

Can't wait to walk into school with my head held high!

(right after I finish my algebra summer work of course....)


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