Monday, October 31, 2011

Purple Kool Aid Hair?!

Hey guys! So today I dyed a part of my hair with purple kool aid! I know your thinking "what???" But I took pictures and I'll spell it out for you guys so it's super simple!

What you'll need:

 -1 Cup of Boiling water
-Coffee mug
-1 full packet of the color Kool Aid you want
-Timer (I used my iPod)

Step 1:

 Pour the Kool Aid into the Coffee Mug then...

 Pour the boiling water into the coffee mug

Step 2:
Stir it up!

Step 3:
Dip the piece of hair that you want dyed into the coffee mug. It probably won't reach your roots but that's okay! Also I sectioned off my hair before I did any of this :)

Step 4:
If you have blonde hair leave it sit for about 5 minutes (I took the picture after I started the timer)
If you have brown/ black leave in for about 15.

Step 5:
After the timer goes off pull it out! Mine looked like this :)

Step 5:
Blow dry! Or you can let it air dry, it's up to you. Once you did this your done! It's SO easy! Here are my after pictures :)

Ta-da!! It looks better in person :) But the thing is if I don't want anyone to know it's there it's not a problem because it's not very noticeable. A tip is to put the hilight under another section of hair, that way it's not bold and ...weird. Another idea if you have longer hair is to put in completely under your hair, so when it's in front of your shoulders it is visible.
Mine turned out a tad more reddish but I love it! Since fall is here I think it is a very nice fall color :)

I hope you guys try it out! It's so fun!

<3 Ellen

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Making Good Descisions

I have personally seen a couple of girls who were nice, sweet, and conservative go to a girl who is known as "easy" in school. If that's the label your going for then... good for you an carry on. But if not, it is important to realize that a small "bad" decision can so quickly lead to another.
This doesn't just apply to becoming a skank like I was saying before, it can apply to anything.

So I guess you just want to think through your choices before you make them.

I am really thankful I was able to learn from others mistakes :)