Tuesday, August 23, 2011


OMG OMG OMG! I have never ever ever been in a earthquake before and about 3 minutes ago there was one right where I live!

At first everything started shaking and I didn't know what was going on, then I looked up and saw my dresser lamp shaking like crazy! Then I though "EARTHQUAKE". I was in my bedroom which is on the top level which is the worst place to be during a earthquake. Everything was falling off of my table, desk, vanity..... Then I heard my dog whining. I picked up my computer (because I knew if I was going to save something that was it!) then I grabbed my dog and took her outside. She was shaking so I just held her in my arms.

After about... 30 seconds everything stopped. But that 30 seconds felt a lot longer then normal. All I know about earthquakes is what I have seen on the news, and they always show the terror stories. During the quake I think everyone freaks out. It's so weird because your holding still but everything around you is shaking and moving, and you can't help but jumping to the worst conclusions possible.

Turns out everything was okay (besides my now cracked cover girl palette but that doesn't matter). I put my dog (Nikki) down and turned on the TV and it turns out it was a 5.9 earthquake! Which according to online could cause "Slight damage to buildings and other structures" Which seem like not much... but when your in it. You're scared.

Stay safe!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Beautiful Days & Starry Nights

As I am typing this I am listing to all the nature around me. The birds, frogs, crickets... And it's beautiful weather! 

I am so relaxed right now I would just sleep out here tonight, if only the mosquitos would stop biting me :/

The picture I posted above is what I see right now from my bedroom window and it's beautiful. I think it also means it's going to be a clear day tomorrow too! Have you ever heard the saying "Red in the morning, sailor's warning. Red at night sailors delight"? It basically means that if you see red in the sky in the morning, it probably won't be too clear out... :( But if you see it at night, the next day will be beautiful! Score! Ha ha!

But today has been the most beautiful day, I regret not spending more time outside. But right now I am just so content.. breathing the fresh air, listing to my family play ball in the side yard, and hearing the beautiful sounds of nature.

If tomorrow is like this I plan on sitting outside all day and just reading, and doing stuff on my computer.

Well I am off to bed :)

Sweet Dreams,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Dreamy Chocolate Truffels

"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt."
 - Charles M. Schulz

Last night all I wanted was chocolate. So I decided to make homemade chocolate truffles. And Let me tell you... these babies are good! I also figured my mom would want some too so the picture above is what I brought down to her last night as kinda a surprise and she loved it!

It's super easy to make too! Thats the best part! All you need is 3 ingredients:

1. Half a box of Oreo cookies
2. Half a package of cream cheese

BTW this will make about 10 depending on the size. Also if you want you can double the recipe to make more for a party or something. But if your just making them for you/ you & your family, I would stick to the recipe above! I can't eat more then one of these at a time! So much chocolate!


1. Put the Oreo's in a bowl
TIP use a bowl much bigger then you actually need, it will help minimize the mess...

2. Put a gallon sized bag over each hand then use your hands to break the Oreos into little pieces. If you want you can just put them in a food processor, but I think it makes the pieces too fine and it tastes better with bigger chunks. 

3. Once Oreo's are mashed up put in half a package of cream cheese. Then put the bags back on your hands and mix the two together.

4. Get out a tray or plate of some sort and cover it with wax paper/ plastic wrap/ or foil so the chocolate won't stick to the tray.

5. Melt the chocolate bar in the microwave. 
(Be careful not to burn it! Chocolate is easy to burn!)

6. Using your clean hands make a little ball of the cream cheese, Oreo mix then dip it in the melted chocolate with a fork, then just place it on the tray.

Just do that until your out of the cream cheese, Oreo mix! Once you're done just put them in the fridge for a good hour!

I think they taster better after have been in the fridge for a hour, you can eat them before but then they taster super sweet and still a little warm. So I like them cold but thats just personal! :)

Good Luck!

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already."
- Dave Barry


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back to School!

In 6 days from now I will be starting my first day of 10th grade. Yes thats right! I will be a sophomore in High School! This is really exciting to me because it seems like not a lot of people like freshman, and I admit a lot of freshman are immature and a pain in the butt (99.9999% of that population are freshman boys)

I have big goals for this year! I can't wait! First off I really want to get a bigger role in a play, I don't really like being the lead because it's a lot of work! But I want to be more then a background dancer. It's weird but when I played Cinderella in my schools play of Cinderella, I felt really proud of myself, and thats a great feeling to have.

Also I really just want to enjoy the year! Some of my favorite parts about my freshman year were just being with my friends. I am also so excited because my best friend is moving close to the school and I can just picture us getting out of school, walking to her house, and just watching girly movies and talking anything and everything that is on our minds.

And of course I will be enjoying the year, but I will not forget about making YouTube videos! I personally cannot stand to watch my videos because I think it's boring. I am pretty sure that's how it is with a lot of people though.... Like I would hate to be Elle or Blair Fowler just because I love them! And I am sure for them watching their videos isn't fun, and what is YouTube without the Fowler sisters?!

Lastly this school year I really want to get good grades! I love new school years because it makes you feel like you have a fresh start, a clean slate! And even though it's not a fully clean slate... I am determined that this year will be good! I really want to get good grades for me :) Not my dad, my teachers, not for anybody but me :) I love feeling proud of myself because it always boosts your confidence x50000!

Can't wait to walk into school with my head held high!

(right after I finish my algebra summer work of course....)


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Autumn Love

I know this is weird... but I love seasons! Winter is my all time favorite and you can actually notice a difference in me when it's winter! But I am still so happy because fall is coming up!

I remember when I was little I loved Barney, and there was this one tape that I would watch over and over again, and it was during halloween, and they had this song that went something like "you can call it fall if that's what you please, but I say I like Autumn" And even though I haven't seen Barney in around 12 years.... for some reason this song always gets stuck in my head whenever I think of the word Autumn! Haha!

I don't know why but I love cold weather. I would rather snow over summer any day. And I think I am one of the 4 people in the world who think like this... LOL But just thinking about Autumn coming up makes me so happy! Think about it... leaves falling, comfortable weather (no sweat- like summer), warm clothes, corn mazes,  Halloween... To me this just sounds a million times better then icky summer :/

I also love the clothes when it gets cooler. I love wearing long sleeve shirts, scarves, boots, and all that! 

Maybe I am getting ahead of myself though, it is still August... Oh well, I still can't wait for those leaves to start falling <3

What's your favorite season? 


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What the Feather?!

Hey guys!

I personally think feather extensions are so creative and expressive! I have had mine for a while I have had to take them out because of swim season. The chlorine is not too good for the poor lil' feathers :( LOL

I have a pink one, and a turquoise one! My favorite colors (at the moment)!

Getting them installed are kinda expensive... But I do my own! It's so simple! And much cheaper!

While it is much cheaper to do on your own, all in all it is going to end up costing you around $40. And that's cheap! I did my research to find the best stuff for the best prices. If you just throw your money at a big company marketing feathers a lot, you might end up paying up to $80.

If you would like a video about feather extensions or how to put them in let me know!

Love ya!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Bye Bye Sonia Kashuk Eye Makeup Remover!

Tonight I used up the very last drop of my first bottle of my Sonia Kashuk eye makeup remover!
I was kinda excited and IDK why....

But I do know I love this stuff!!

I bought it when I got into my school's production of Hairspray! Knowing from the last few plays that you wear a lot of makeup I decided it was time I get a good eye makeup remover! Yes, the lotion and cotton ball trick still works- but I like this so much more! It even removes waterproof makeup with no problem!

-It's drugstore so it's not too overly priced
-Very gentle (I have sensitive skin)
-Very efficient! One swipe with a cotton ball and it's gone!
-You don't need a lot!
-Easily accessible 


I really cannot think of any! I love this stuff a lot and see myself using it for a very long time!

I would defiantly give it a try!
